Monday 7 November 2016

Mutant Sump dwellers

MkIV Blood Angels tests

Here's a quick post of one of my new projects for a Blood angels army

Genestealer Cult warband beginnings

With the new releases of genestealer cult I have well and truly caught the bug (if you  pardon the pun) these are some minis I have done so far including some old familiars and a space hulk brood lord.

With these guys I went with the washed out look, for something a little different, I am looking into getting myself some more neophytes and a goliath (love these new minis)

Space hulk Blood Angels Librarian

Finally got round to taking some pics of my finished space hulk librarian. Really enjoyed painting the blue for a change. Lovely mini to paint, keep your eyes peeled for more termies!

Kurgorath WIP

Working on a new AOS intro set for work, Inverness GW nearly finished this gnarly chap.