Sunday 5 October 2014

Video Update Mordheim Undead Warband

Warband update

Video update 28mm AWI 33rd Foot

Video update on AWI project. 

A change of Dress for the 33rd!

After realizing I did not have enough round hats for my southern army, I Replaced the 33rd's with cocked hats. I have also finished the next layer of highlights, all that needs doing to them now is maybe a touch up on the flag and bases. But considering how much I have to paint I dont known when I will get round to this. 

Warhammer 40k Epic Dark Angels

Finally finished my Dark Angels for my EPic game on Monday, see how they fair against the ork horde! had to convert some vindicator from spare rhinos..think they do the job. 

In the meantime I will be waiting for my kreig to show up.

6mm Seven Years War British


Here we have the beginnings of my 6mm British SYW army, the miniatures are by Baccus and have some great detail in them, I have a ton of miniatures left to paint for these guys. so expect to see some point.